Thursday, 29 September 2016

Morning Routines

For our Morning Routines, we alternate between a literacy and a math focus. For math, we do a SMARTboard routine that includes elements of number sense, problem solving, mental math and patterning. We sing our doubles song, skip count and use our estimation bag. It is a great way to warm our brains up for the day!
When we are working on our literacy routine, we work on word families, blends and letter sounds. We practice our editing skills by fixing up the morning message and also focus on our 5 "words of the week" through a variety of activities. Today we made those words with pipecleaners and wanted to share our work with you!

Monday, 19 September 2016

Read to Someone

We have been working hard to establish our reading routine, or as we call it, Daily 3. Each day we have time for reading, because we know how important it is! So far we have been practicing Read to Self. Today, we tried Read to Someone for the first time. It was AMAZING!!
Together we have created anchor charts about what we should see during different reading jobs. That way we know exactly what to do and can create a quiet environment where our brains can work hard. The third part of Daily 3 will be Listen to Reading, which we will probably start next week.
After our Read to Someone practice today we shared and discussed all the wonderful things that happened. (There were lots!)
What a great way to start the week!

Our anchor charts for Read to Self, Read to Someone and the 3 Ways to Read a Book.

Look at what amazing readers we are!

These are all the positive things that we saw and heard happening!

Friday, 16 September 2016

Dot Day Fun!

Dot Day is a day of standing up and doing brave things. To celebrate Dot Day we make made dots with our kindergarten buddies. We made a mobile by painting or using pastels, markers, crayons or bingo dabbers. It was fun!
We did writing about bravery. We read The Dot by Peter Reynolds and lots of other bravery books too!
We made more dots by colouring on coffee filters and spraying them with water. Then we signed them to make our mark! We will hang them in our hallway!
By Room 1 😀

Watching the "Dot Day video with our buddies!

Creating dots for our collaborative mobile.

Some of our dots!

The finished product!

The dots we created in class, to "make our mark"!

**Check out our twitter and instagram accounts to see our finished bulletin board!

Tuesday, 13 September 2016


We are having lots of fun making new friends and connections in Room 1! Together we created a class contract and made charts about my job/your job and how we want our classroom to look, sound and feel. Throughout the creation of each one, the kids were focused on making Room 1 a kind, happy and respectful place where we work as a team. Seems to me that we are off to an amazing start! Take a peek at the pictures below and don't forget to check out our instragram and twitter for more!

Check out these crafty kids!

Playing "headbanz" and checking out the math materials!

Whiteboard fun!

Friday, 9 September 2016

First Day!

Today was our first day together in Room 1 and what a day it was! We started out with discovery bins, learned about some classroom routines, went to an assembly, did some writing and art, played some math games and read 3 stories! Whew!!
I was thoroughly impressed with the kindness and teamwork that I saw from all the kids today. It has made me even more excited for the amazing year to come! I look forward to sharing more with you soon!