Monday, 16 October 2017

Remembrance Day Song

This is the link for the school-wide Remembrance Day song. Some children have been asking Mrs Wurch if they can practice at home, and this will allow that to happen!

The Remembrance Day ceremony will be held at 11:00am on Thursday, November 9th. All are welcome.

Image result for poppy 

Friday, 22 September 2017

Play and Learning!

Image result for play and learning quotes                                   Image result for play and learning quotes

Play is a wonderful way for children to learn, interact, develop social skills and explore the world around them in a rich and meaningful way. Play can help children to wonder, question and problem solve. 

In Room 1, there will be many opportunities for play and learning throughout the year. We begin every day with Discovery Bins, which are four learning based, play centres for children to explore. 
We also have choice time several times a week, where children can build, create and imagine together. And of course, recess is a wonderful time for outside play, exercise and interaction!

Research shows that play enhances learning. As you can see from the smiling faces in the pictures below, it is also a fun and happy way to grow our knowledge of each other and the world around us!

Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Welcome Back!


Welcome to the 2016-17 school year in Room 1!

I hope that everyone had a fun and relaxing summer, with lots of time enjoyed with family and friends!

I am excited to be back in the classroom, planning and setting up for another school year! Whether your child is new to Room 1, or if I was lucky enough to have taught them last year, I look forward to working with you, to ensure your child has a happy and productive year!

Please check our blog regularly for updates about what we are doing in the classroom. Instagram is another tool that I often use to share our learning, so please be sure to follow us at:

The information from the Room 1 parent handbook that you will receive at conferences is posted below, should you ever need to reference it.

I look forward to seeing you all in person at opening day conferences!

Enjoy the last few beautiful days of summer weather!

Amy Stevenson 🍎

Parent Information Booklet

Mrs Stevenson
Grade 1/2
2017 – 2018

Dear Parent and Guardians,

If I was lucky enough to have taught your child last year, welcome back! If your child is new to Room 1, I wish you a warm welcome to our grade 1/2 classroom! We are going to have an excellent year, full of learning, hard work and fun!

My name is Amy Stevenson and I have been a teacher with the St. James Assiniboia School Division since 2007. Over the years I have taught Kindergarten to grade 4 and have been lucky to teach at Linwood School since 2010.

This booklet contains information about classroom routines and expectations. An electronic copy will be posted on our classroom blog for your reference.

I am looking forward to both teaching and learning with your child over the next school year! I believe that by working together we can help your child to have a positive and successful year in grade 1 or 2!

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns that may arise throughout the course of the year. I can always be contacted by email, or a phone message can be left for me in the office. I will then call you back as soon as possible.

Amy Stevenson

Philosophy of Education

“A child develops individuality long before they discover taste.”
-       Erma Bombeck

Education is not only about teaching children the academic skills that they will need in the future, rather, it is about teaching the whole child. Students need to be given the opportunity to grow academically, socially and emotionally in a safe, positive and flexible learning environment. Education should be about helping each child to reach their maximum potential, in all of these areas. The ultimate goal is to motivate children towards becoming a life-long learner.

Children should feel safe and valued at all times. If a positive, open classroom environment is created, children will feel safe to take risks and make mistakes. This is incredibly important, as never do we learn so much as when we leave our comfort zone.

Education should celebrate the uniqueness of every child. This can occur when an environment of respect is created and encouraged. An environment of respect allows all members of the classroom to grow and develop as both learners and individuals.

Education is a partnership. Students, teachers, parents and administrators all need to communicate and work together, striving to help each child thrive in the school environment. Parents as partners in their child’s education add encouragement, support and consistency to a child’s educational development.  A team is always stronger than an individual!

Amy Stevenson

The Remind app will once again be used to communicate with families. Both the school and our individual classroom use this method of communication and it has proven very successful. Parents and guardians will be asked to sign up at conferences for either text or email reminders. This substantially cuts down on paper use and is a quick and easy way to communicate information.
If paper does need to be sent home, it will be placed in your child’s backpack.

Following Room 1
I strongly encourage families to regularly check our classroom blog, as well as follow us on Instagram. Both are a great way to stay up to date with what is happening in our classroom and to get a glimpse into what your child is doing and learning throughout the day!
Instagram – Linwood_room_1

Scholastic Book Orders

Room 1 will be participating in the monthly Scholastic Book Club. Each month I will send home a variety of book orders for you and your child to browse through. There is no obligation to order books. Some parents buy occasionally, some buy regularly and others not at all. It is completely up to you!

If you do choose to order, please return order forms by the due date, which will be stamped on the book orders. As well, cheques would be the preferable form of payment, as every payment must be sent in the mail to Scholastics. There is now also the options to pay online with a credit card.

Thank you!

Celebrity of the Week

This program will be starting later in September.

A new year is a great time for introducing the specialness of each child in the classroom. Each week, one individual will have the opportunity of being Celebrity of the Week! (C.O.T.W.) The C.O.T.W. will be chosen by random draw and every student will get a turn throughout the year.
When it is your child’s turn to be C.O.T.W, they will bring home a special poster, the Friday before they are set to share. There are some questions to fill in and your child can decorate the poster however they choose. In the “picture of me” space, your child can tape a picture or draw one.
Your child will be encouraged to bring personal and family photos, as well as other special items that you deem appropriate, to show and tell the class about. The items shared will be sent home that day, however the pictures will stay for the week. They will be posted but no staples will be used on the photos as I realize just how special they are!
Your child is also asked to bring in their favourite book. Sometime throughout the week we will share it with the class. It will be their choice if they would like to read it themselves, or have me read it. Any type of book is okay to bring in, as long as it has appropriate content and pictures.
At the end of the week, your child will bring home their poster as well as a special gift to celebrate their week as C.O.T.W!

The Friday before your child is C.O.T.W, he or she will bring home a note announcing the great news!

Other Information

Expectations for Each Child
-       Positive attitude and a desire to learn
-       Ability to work independently and in small groups
-       Solve small problems
-       Ask questions
-       Stay focused, to the best of their ability
-       Be prepared and use time effectively
-       Willingness to listen to the ideas of others
-       Respect for self, others and the school community as a whole

-       A fee of $40 is to be paid for each child, to cover the cost of classroom supplies for the year
-       2 boxes of Kleenex
-       Indoor shoes that children can take on/off independently
-       Non-marking runners for the gym (**These can be used for indoor shoes as well**)

Library, Gym and Music
Library is on day 1. Please help your child remember to return their books on time so that they are able to select a new book each library class.
Music is on days 3, 4 and 6.
Gym is on days 1, 2, 4 and 5. Please ensure that your child has appropriate footwear.

A classroom schedule will be sent home once we have rotated through two full school day cycles.

Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Mystery Number!

Please check out this link to an interactive 100 chart! We have been using it in class to play "Mystery Number" and it is SO much fun!

One person picks a number between 1-100. Other players must ask questions to narrow it down, and guess the number. The only answers that can be given are yes or no!

We have learned that some questions can eliminate lots of numbers, and some only get rid of one.

For example, if we ask...

"Is your number 54?"   - That only gets rid of one number!

But if we ask...

"Does your number have 3 tens?"   - With a "no" answer, that would knock out 10 numbers!

And if we asked...

"Is your number odd?"   - We are getting rid of 50 numbers with one question!

Have fun playing!

Mrs Stevenson  😃

Thursday, 13 April 2017

Bald Eagle Expert Book

Please check out our Bald Eagle expert book! We learned so much during our research! We are now beginning to work on our very own expert books! Stay tuned...😊

Tuesday, 4 April 2017

Bald Eagle live camera link

Here is the link to the live bald eagle camera that we have been watching, in case you want to check it out at home!

Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Spring Break Games!

Today there will be a surprise in your child's backpack! They will be bringing home a package of games to play with you over spring break!

There are materials and instructions for several games that will help your child to build numeracy, problem solving and language skills.

Please play often and enjoy!

Mrs. Stevenson

The games included in the package are...

Beat That 10 Frame Game

Make 10/Make 20

Pattern Block Symmetry Game

The Syllable Game

In and Out

Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Bald Eagles

Room 1 has chosen to do a research project on bald eagles. We have already learned lots of interesting information!

While researching, we have also been learning about the different parts of non-fiction books, like the titles, chapters, table of contents, index and glossary. We will continue to use books as well as videos and hands-on activities to become bald eagle experts!

We began by learning about the appearance of a bald eagle. Did you know they have a wing span of 7 feet?!? We could not believe it! To put into perspective just how big that is, we created our own life-sized, 2-D bald eagle! Check out the pictures below and stay tuned for more bald eagle learning!

Monday, 13 February 2017

How is My Child Being Assessed?

As we approach second term report cards, many parents and guardians are curious about how their child is being assessed. 

As always, I aim to use a wide variety of instructional methods in order to cater to the different learning styles of all the children in the class. The same goes for assessment. Your child’s progress is constantly being assessed through formative assessment techniques. This allows me to gauge where your child is at and decide on the best “next steps” to help them grow as a learner.

Around report card time, I will be assessing where your child is at, in regards to the grade 1 or 2 curriculum, for where we are at in the year. The first two report cards of the school year are NOT based on the expected year-end curricular outcomes, rather, the indicators are decided upon in relation to where your child’s learning is expected to be at that point in the year.

Below are some pictures that highlight some of the instruction and assessment techniques that are used within the classroom. 

Instructional Methods...

Whole group instruction

Small group instruction

Use of technology, such as SMARTboards and iPads

Hands-on activities

Abundant modelling and demonstration

Using multiple intelligences


Assessment Methods...

Observations from the design process, whole group discussions, 1:1 meetings, morning routines, guided reading, science experiments (pictured), group work, math centers, etc.

Looking at a body of student work, not just one piece

Writing conferences

Small group guided reading and running records


Self and Teacher assessment based upon criteria

Should you ever have any questions about what is happening within the classroom, or how your child is being assessed, please do not hesitate to contact me!

Amy Stevenson